
Copy editing

By 14 February, 2019 January 14th, 2020 No Comments

We all know what a translation agency or company does for the most part. However, aside from what their name suggests, these firms also deliver a wide variety of services in addition to just translating. One of the least known (yet no less important) is copy editing, i.e. amending a text to make it understandable for the reader. Since understanding is not an objective fact, the text’s purpose and the audience which is to receive its message have to be taken into consideration when tailoring its language, tone, vocabulary, expression and so on. Obviously a speech made at a medical convention will not have the same features as a text intended for a class of primary school children.

Although the text may have to be amended to make it more understandable, it is important to respect its original content and spirit. Copy editors should not play the role of authors or writers so they need to clearly specify the limits to what they can do and explain each change they make in order to adapt the text’s wording without compromising the original. Finding this balance between original content and copy editing is not easy and where it rests will vary depending on each case. Hence it is important that the person doing the copy editing is a professional.

Copy editing is a crucial service to bear in mind since it means you can present a clear, unified and structured text free of unnecessary information and which moves at the right pace to maintain the receiver’s interest. Furthermore, tailoring the message to the target audience ensures it will be understood and achieve the required impact.

Here at AADIMATIQ we make sure we thoroughly understand the customer’s needs to tailor our copy editing accordingly and convey the right meaning of each translation.