
March 8

By 8 March, 2019 January 14th, 2020 No Comments

On a day like today we would like to reassert our commitment as a company to equality between men and women. As an organisation and to bring added value to this issue, over the last year we have supported and been involved in the Government of Catalonia’s plan to eliminate inequality in all workplaces by setting up this in-house analysis of business operations.

Equal opportunity between men and women is a key topic nowadays and one which impacts all areas of life. In many cases it is still a challenge and this means all initiatives for equality are crucial to ensure defence of the rights and safety of men and women employees alike, a first-rate work environment and ultimately a company’s appropriate performance in human terms as an integral part of its business operations.

Political and legal institutions in this country and abroad are putting in place more and more measures to drive this crucially important topic. AADIMATIQ is a pioneer in the field as the first enterprise in its industry to draw up its Equality Plan and we have been committed to this issue ever since we started out. This engagement is part of what our team does every day and is translated into our working method and end results.

Supporting equality on all fronts, whether in terms of gender, race or culture, is crucial in AADIMATIQ’s beliefs and genetics and builds our way of thinking and viewing our company, our interpersonal relationships and society in general.