Christmas is a special time which is celebrated worldwide, and a wonderful way to join in the festivities is by wishing each other a Merry Christmas in various languages. If you’d like to wow your friends and family with original and unforgettable Christmas greetings, here at Aadimatiq we can show you how to do so in several languages.

Tips for Original Christmas Greetings:

  • Personalise your message: add a personal touch which makes your greeting unique and memorable. You might for instance mention shared experiences during the year or specific wishes.
  • Learn a few words in the language: even if it is just a word or two, such as “Merry Christmas”, the effort of learning a few words in the language of the person you’re sending season’s greetings to will be greatly appreciated. Here are the translations of a typical Christmas expression in various languages:
    • English: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    • Spanish: ¡Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo!
    • French: Joyeux Noël et bonne année!
    • Italian: Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!
    • Portuguese: Feliz Natal e um próspero Ano Novo!
  • Add a cultural touch: research Christmas traditions in the country you’re sending your greetings to and build cultural aspects into your message.
  • Use greeting cards: Christmas cards are a great way to share your wishes in a number of languages and you can get cards with pre-printed messages in several languages.
  • Send your message early: celebrations kick off before Christmas Eve in some countries, so make sure you send your greetings in time.
  • Include visual features: if you send your greetings electronically, think about adding visual details associated with the culture of your chosen language such as pictures of traditional Christmas decorations.

Remember that Christmas is a time to share love and joy with your friends and family regardless of the language you choose to send your wishes in. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in all the world’s languages!